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HomeNewsGreen Party leader says it's time to end multi-school board system

Green Party leader says it’s time to end multi-school board system

Ontarians could see a one school board system debated in the upcoming provincial election.

Green Party leader Mike Schreiner plans to push for eliminating the multi school board system in the campaign leading up to the June 7th vote.

During a stop in North Bay to introduce the Green Party candidate for the Nipissing riding, Schreiner questioned why Ontario still operates under a multi-board system at a time when student enrolment is falling across the province.

“We spending money on duplicating services like administration and buildings when we could be putting that money directly into the classroom, Schreiner said.

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Schreiner says he wants children to have the best education possible and that’s achieved by improving resources for the classroom.

He says he’s talked to parents and also teachers under the Separate School board system who agree with the concept.

Schreiner says students don’t need to get a Catholic education in the classroom.

“They can get it at church, the home or even within youth organizations,” he said.

Schreiner says once boards merge, an under-utilized school currently under the public system can see its population increase with the addition of students from former Catholic schools.

The Green Party leader says with more students in the classroom, it becomes possible to offer more programs currently not offered because individual schools don’t have enough students.

Schreiner says the three mainstream parties are silent about the one school board issue for fear of alienating voters.

The Green Party and Northern Ontario Party support a one school board system.

The chair of the Near North District School Board, Dave Thompson, has been advocate of the one school board system for years.


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